Course Objectives:
Geeta Institute of Marine Education, located in Mumbai, India, offers a comprehensive Large Vessel Ship Handling Training Course designed for maritime professionals aiming to advance their skills in handling large vessels. This specialized course focuses on equipping participants with theoretical knowledge and practical expertise necessary to navigate and maneuver large ships safely and efficiently in various maritime scenarios.
The aim of this Large Vessel Handling course is to equip senior officers with further knowledge and maneuvering skills of how to safely and efficiently handle large vessels, under influence of different met-ocean conditions (wind, waves and current) at sea, during port/anchorage approaches, confined waters and transiting narrow canals.
The course is designed for familiarising as well as assessing the competency of Deck Officers who are to be designated to a large vessel in forthcoming tenures as it will equip them with the skills and knowledge to handle large vessels in various conditions.
Content of Course:
Participants will gain confidence in practical ship handling of large vessels in various situations and have a better understanding of: -
The behaviour of large vessels under the influence of wind, tide; hydrographic constraints in deep and shallow water
Get an overview of hydrodynamic interactions, shallow water effect, squat and bank effects
Concept of turning circles, stopping distance, Crash stop, Controlled turns, Rudder cycling, anchoring a large vessel and navigation through a congested anchorage
Effectively maintain control of a large vessel when manouvering in confined waters, berthing and unberthing, making a turn, picking up pilot and anchoring, with emphasis on using controlling main engine, rudder, thrusters, efficient use of tugs
Techniques for collecting, analysing information & reporting accidents.