Marine Accidents and Incidents can happen at any time. Understanding why they happened allows actions to be taken to prevent reoccurrence. It is therefore vital to have a skilled investigator to understand the chain of events leading to an accident or incident, and identify safety measures that can be implemented.
Aims :
Accident and Incident Investigation Course supports international standards of training for Shipboard Safety Officers based on the STCW Code Table A-II/2 and A-III/3 , IMO Model 3.11 and Code of Safe Working Practice (as per MCA)
Objectives :
Upon completion of the course, participants should have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to organize and conduct investigations into marine casualties and incidents in accordance with generally accepted international standards and practice.
Purpose & objective of marine accident investigation
IMO Code for investigating marine casualties & interviewing
Human factors to be considered during investigation.
Investigation procedures
Techniques for collecting, analysing information & reporting accidents.